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Hello. I’m Holly Gramazio (email, and I’m writing a short story for every station on the London Underground and DLR, in alphabetical order by station name, with a new story posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except for bank holidays). I started on 5 January 2009, and should finish, ooh, some time in early 2011 maybe? There are really a lot of stations.

Buskers! The Department of Architectural Futures! Hiking! Adventures with celebrities! Shoplifting! Ghosts! Inescapable arts venues! Plus time travel, clockwork, sandwiches, vampires, bicycles, skylines and more!

The header for Minor Delays uses the picture Travelling and Dreaming by this fleeting life (with permission), and the background image on comments and the “about” sidebar uses sleep-tube-work-tube-sleep-tube by gnackgnackgnack. Images on individual posts are edited-down versions of other people’s photos, credited individually, and are reissued under the same license as the originals (as specified on their Flickr page).

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